Boletín Bibliográfico
Biblioteca Ramón Ramírez Gómez, Facultad de Economía
VOL. 1 NUM. 02 / SEPTIEMBRE 2005
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HC79.I5 S4718
Medir la Economia de los Países

La contabilidad nacional es un instrumento de medición que provee de manera sistemática información acerca de la situación económica de un país. A través de la descripción de este instrumento, esta obra responde a una necesidad de primer orden: permitir a los usuarios de las cuentas conocer en qué modo son elaboradas. Pero su objetivo central es contribuir al trabajo de los encargados de elaborar las cuentas nacionales, tanto desde la perspectiva de las técnicas que deben desarrollar como del espíritu en que han de hacerlo. Gracias a la nueva versión internacional del sistema de cuentas nacionales (SCN) adoptado en 1993, se dispone actualmente de un marco muy completo para organizar la información macroeconómica de los países. Los métodos de elaboración de las cuentas nacionales que se presentan en este libro han sido paulatinamente desarrollados en numerosas naciones, particularmente dentro de la cooperación internacional que Francia mantiene con éstas. Su adaptación al nuevo sistema debería facilitar la tarea de los países que deseen modernizar sus cuentas nacionales de acuerdo con este renovado marco.

HB172 P5318 2001
PINDYCK, Robert S. y RUBINFELD, Daniel L.

Este libro destaca por su tratamiento exhaustivo de los temas modernos: teoría de juegos, economía de la información, cooperación estratégica de empresas, estrategias de fijación de precios. Además, la claridad de estilo, viveza de la exposición, gráficos y el uso integrado de ejemplos del mundo real, la convierten en una obra apropiada para lectores con un cierto conocimiento en la materia.

Incorpora novedades importantes con respecto a la edición precedente que completan y actualizan la obra:

•  Incluye temas nuevos a través de los distintos ejemplos, analizando las compañias más actuales, incluyendo internet y las empresas farmacéuticas. Destaca el análisis de la oferta y de demanda, precios, eficiencia de mercado, decisiones de producción en inversión y análisis de planes públicos.

•  Revisión de capítulos para hacerlo más claro, accesible e interesante, tratando los conceptos básicos con un mayor detalle y sistematización.

•  Esta nueva edición dispone de nuevos recursos que le aportan un carácter más didáctico y pedagógico. Incorpora un glosario de términos, sitúa los conceptos fundamentales en los márgenes enlazando con los epígrafes donde se estudian con detalle, e incorpora nuevas ilustraciones que permiten mejorar la claridad expositiva.

HB171.5 H368 1998
Modern Economics

Modern Economics by Jack Harvey has been one of the most successful and best-selling economics textbooks of all time. Several generations of students have gained a firm understanding of the subject from this book. This new edition has been revised and updated to reflect recent charges and developments in economic theories and policies. It will be particularly suited to the needs of students taking economics as part of professional courses in business studies, accountancy, finance, surveying, insurance and many other areas.

It will also be suitable for other introductory courses in economics, including A Level, HND/HNC an non-specialist degree courses, and its clarity of exposition makes it ideal for students working alone on distance-learning programmes.

HC79.T4 N47
MOTHE, John de la y LINK, Albert N.
Networks, Alliances and Partnerships in the Innovation Process

In an era of intense knowledge-based globalization and technology-based competition, the central role of networks, alliances and partnerships is now becoming recognized. By looking at the dynamics of these strategic organizational activities, leading authors in the field examine, in this book, how firms align themselves, how they use networks and enter into partnerships in order to develop new or radically improved processes, and how they introduce new or radically improved products to the market. The topic excludes, as the primary interest, spatial effects, such as those found in geographic clusters, or in regional innovation systems. The focus here is instead on the innovation process, and therefore examines framework issues about how we can assess networks of innovators, measurement issues for both researchers and official statisticians, and impact issues for both industry strategists and policy makers. Using an evolutionary perspective, and drawing on a range of disciplines, Networks, Partnerships and Alliances explores important issues at the conceptual, methodological and comparative levels concerning the construction of comparative advantage.

Focuses on the framework issues about how to assess networks of innovators, issues for both researchers and official statisticians, and the impact issues for both industry's policy makers. Explores important issues at the conceptual, methodological and comparative level.

HB172.5 N49
HARRIS, Jonathan y GOODWIN, Neva R.
New Thinking in Macroeconomics: Social, Institutional, and Environmental Perspectives

Presenting new and innovative perspectives on macroeconomics at the national and international levels, the editors bring together contributions on a wide range of topics including: social, institutional, and environmental perspectives; current issues of globalization; transitional economies; inequality; unemployment; national and international debt; and the relationship of macroeconomic policies to the environment.

The contributors draw on expertise in a variety of areas to provide insight into debates on macroeconomic policy in the US and Europe, as well as in developing and transitional economies. Themes explored include:

. disequilibrium in the macroeconomy: analysis of the roots of instability and crisis in national and global systems

. the evolution of macroeconomic institutions to stabilize and guide economic growth

. the paradoxes of globalization, the dangers of unrestricted financial flows, and the impacts of globalization on national institutional coherence

. macro and institutional strategies for the transitional economies of Russia and Eastern Europe

. distributional and equity issues, including employment, housing, and homelessness

. the impact of macroeconomic policy and debt on the environment

. long-term growth and its relationship to well-being and environmental sustainability.

This collection is a valuable resource for researchers and students of macroeconomics, presenting numerous case studies and examples which bring to life some of the theoretical debates that will determine the future of macroeconomics. Policy professionals in a variety of fields including politics, political economy, and international relations will also find much of interest in this enlightening volume.


K1401 P66
SCHULER, Philip y FINGER, J. Michael
Poor People's Knowledge: Promoting Intellectual Property in Developing Countries

How can we help poor people earn more from their knowledge--rather than from their sweat and muscle alone? This book is about increasing the earnings of poor people in poor countries from their innovation, knowledge, and creative skills. Case studies look at the African music industry; traditional crafts and ways to prevent counterfeit crafts designs; the activities of fair trade organizations; biopiracy and the commercialization of ethnobotanical knowledge; the use of intellectual property laws and other tools to protect traditional knowledge. The contributors motivation is sometimes to maintain the art and culture of poor people, but they recognize that except in a museum setting, no traditional skill can live on unless it has a viable market. Culture and commerce more often complement than conflict in the cases reviewed here. The book calls attention to the unwritten half of the World Trade Organizations Agreement on the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS). TRIPS is about knowledge that industrial countries own, and which poor people buy. This book is about knowledge that poor people in poor countries generate and have to sell. It will be of interest to students and scholars of international trade and law, and to anyone with an interest in ways developing countries can find markets for cultural, intellectual, and traditional knowledge.

HG5773 P67
BAYOUMI, Tamim y COLLYNS, Charles (editores)
Post Bubble Blues: How Japan Responded to Asset Price Collapse

What caused Asia's largest economy, once the envy of the world, to lag behind many of the other industrial countries? And why did it take so long for Japan to recover from the bursting of its asset price bubble of the late1980s? In this volume, a team from the International Monetary Fund examines the causes of the lingering economic problems of Japan, the crisis in its banking system, the reasons for weak business investment, and the government's efforts to kick-start the economy through a series of stimulus packages. This book presents a compelling story about Japan's economy. Its message-that banking reform and corporate restructuring are central to any sustained revival of the economy-is backed up through detailed background research. This research provided the analytical framework for the IMF's policy advice during a period of rapid change-a period during which macroeconomic policymaking moved into uncharted territory. The research papers were prepared by members of the Japan team in the IMF during 1998 and the first half of 1999.

HG4026 P72
MURPHY, Austin (editor)
Practical Financial Economics: a New Science

The recent stock market bubble of the late 1990s and subsequent crash has made people more aware of the need to conduct practical financial analysis. Practical financial economics, i.e., the application of financial theory to practical financial analysis, is explained here with respect to a number of different topics, with a focus on valuation.

HB139 D84
DUFRENOT, Gilles and MIGNON, Valérie
Recent Developments in Nonlinear Cointegration with Applications to Macroeconomics and Finance

This book provides new insights on nonlinear cointegration and error correction models. It seeks to bring together recent developments on the subject that are, u until today, scattered throughout the literature. The authors demostrate the importance of NECM models for studying partial adjustment problems in macroeconomics and the efficient market hypothesis in finance. Even though papers on nonlinear cointegration area numerous a survey can still be made on the topic. This book is accessible to a large audience that includes academics working on applied econometrics. Practitioners of financial markets and econometric modeling and all persons interested in time series analysis.

HF1746 P38
PASTOR, Robert A.
Toward A North American Community

"The United States, Canada, and Mexico need to modernize our relationship if we want the 21St Century to improve on the past. The three countries of North America already have a larger market than the European Union, but we have not begun to explore our potential as a diverse community. Robert Pastor's book offers a wealth of new ideas and proposals for constructing a North American Community and lifting all of the people of the entire continent"
--Vicente Fox, President of Mexico.

The Mexican peso crisis struck in late December 1994, coinciding with a new Mexican administration and the end of the first year of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The crisis poignantly highlighted the success and the inadequacy of the treaty-success in the expansion of trade and capital flows, and inadequacy in institutional capacity. The Canadian, Mexican, and US governments defined the agreement so narrowly that they failed to devise a mechanism that could monitor, anticipate, plan, or even respond to such a serious problem. The new president of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quesada, has boldly proposed transforming the free trade area into a common market like Europe's. This has evoked lukewarm responses from the Bush and Chrétien administrations, which have not yet developed ways to cope with the new problems stemming from accelerated social and economic integration or to take advantage of North America's opportunities.

In this visionary study, Robert A. Pastor seizes Fox's idea and maps out the paths toward making it a reality. He analyzes NAFTA's success and shortcomings, extracts lessons from the European Union's 40 years of reducing disparities between rich and poor countries, and proposes ways that NAFTA can adapt and incorporate those lessons. The centerpiece of the book is a detailed proposal and specific recommendations for new institutions and "North American policies," including plans for infrastructure and transportation, immigration and customs, a unified currency, and projects aimed to lift the poorer regions. The author addresses issues of sovereignty and national interest and concludes with a look ahead toward a Free Trade Area of the Americas.


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