Boletín Bibliográfico
Biblioteca Ramón Ramírez Gómez, Facultad de Economía

VOL. 1 NUM. 01 / JUNIO 2005

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HA32 P47
PEREZ, Cesar
Tecnicas Estadisticas con SPSS
Incluye CD-ROM

EL libro comienza tratando el módulo Base de SPSS 10 en lo relativo a las tareas más sencillas, como el manejo de datos, los gráficos, la importación y la exportación, y el trabajo con el editor, para continuar con la estadística descriptiva y la inferencia estadística básica, así como con métodos sencillos de análisis. La obra realiza, asimismo, un recorrido por el resto de los módulos más importantes de SPSS: Estadísticas Avanzadas, Estadísticas Profesionales, Tablas, Tendencias y Categorías.
Los temas comienzan con una exposición teórica sencilla de los conceptos estadísticos para, a continuación, presentar su tratamiento a través de los correspondientes procedimientos de SPSS aplicados a casos prácticos. Al final de cada capítulo, se presenta ejercicios de aplicación resueltos con el programa. Los ficheros de datos necesarios tanto para el seguimiento de los casos prácticos, como para la resolución de los ejercicios, se encuentran en el CD-ROM que acompaña al libro.

HG173 M614
MILLS, Terense
Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series

Modelling trends and cycles in economic time series has a long history in empirical economics, with the use of linear trends and moving averages forming the basic tool-kit of economists until the 1970s. Several developments in econometrics then led to an overhaul of the techniques used to extract trends and cycles from time series. In particular there was a shift towards using stochastic, rather than deterministic, trend formulations. This research was given further impetus by the rise of real business cycle theories, offering an alternative approach to detrending via more sophisticated use of moving averages, and to the concept of ea-integration, which can be interpreted as implying the presence of common trends in a group of related time series. Terence C. Mills introduces these various approaches to allow students and researchers to appreciate the techniques, and the considerations that underpin their choice, for modelling trends and cycles.

HD75 F7618
MEIER, Gerald M. / STIGLITZ, Joseph E. (editores)
Fronteras de la economía del desarrollo. El futuro en perspectiva

Este visionario libro explora el futuro de la economía del desarrollo, comparándola con las bases teóricas construidas en los últimos cincuenta años de ideas y práctica del desarrollo económico. Representantes de primera línea de las últimas dos generaciones de economistas del desarrollo, califican el pensamiento sobre el desarrollo económico a la vuelta del Siglo XX y establecen las preguntas no formuladas que tendrá que enfrentar la próxima generación de economistas.

El libro ofrece un completo análisis de un amplio rango de preguntas dentro de la economía del desarrollo. Es especialmente oportuno el su crítica de lo que necesita la teoría y la política del desarrollo económico para reducir la pobreza. Un tema de suma importancia es si la "economía del desarrollo" del futuro será tomada simplemente como la aplicación de la teoría económica convencional, o si la naturaleza y alcance de la economía del desarrollo generará las características necesarias para la construcción de una teoría del desarrollo que complemente la teoría económica general.

HC59.7 S89
Underdevelopment. A Strategy for Reform

The process of globalisation, evidenced by envioronmental change, migration, industrial relations and the extraordinary acceleration of international economic relations, has not led to increased convergence in the world economy. Rather, in some cases it has been accompanied by greater divergence between the fortunes of the world's richest and poorest nations. Professor Sylos Labini argues that mainstream economics provides limited help in considering these phenomena and instead adopts the perspectives of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Robert Malthus, who put economic growth at the center of their analyses.
In this short book he offers a new approach to the of economic growth and reminds us of the great variety of economic trajectories in developing countries. He further proposes a strategy of institutional reform to respond to the problem of underdevelopment. For Africa , he recommends a strategy of organisational reforms, including a programme to eradicate illiteracy and to promote rural and industrial districts.

PAOLO SYLOS LABINI is Professor Emeritus at the University of Rome. He has made many important contributions to the field of economics and economic theory. Some of his recent publications include The forces of Economic Growth and Decline (1984) and Business Cycles: Prices and the Process of Cyclical Development (1993) as well as many journal articles.

HC130.E5 E35 1999
VARAS, Juan Ignacio (editor)
Economía del medio ambiente en América Latina

La relación de la economía y el medio ambiente como una de las mayores preocupaciones de la humanidad a nivel mundial, y aún más en los países en vías de desarrollo. En este libro el lector encontrará una serie de estudios e investigaciones sobre esta problemática en América Latina.

La relación aparentemente contradictoria entre la conservación del medio ambiente y desarrollo económico es analizada desde diversas aristas por destacados especialistas internacionales provenientes tanto de organismos gubernamentales e internacionales como de universidades e institutos de investigación de países como México, Chile, E.U. y Brasil, entre otros.

Recopilación de los trabajos presentados en la Conferencia sobre Economía del Medio Ambiente organizada por el instituto de Economía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile en junio de 1993: desarrollo económico y el medio ambiente, alternativas políticas para América Latina, lugares libres de contaminación, consideraciones sobre el Tratado Trilateral de Libre Comercio y el Medio Ambiente, desarrollo industrias y el medio ambiente en México, costos de salud asociados al desperdicio de hogares en Brasil reducción de la contaminación atmosférica en Santiago de Chile, el rol del Estado en el control de la contaminación, mirando hacia el futuro, entre otros temas.

HC59.69 W67 2004
2004 World Development Indicators
Incluye CD-ROM

World Development Indicators, the World Bank's respected statistical publication presents the most current and accurate information on global development on both a national level and aggregated globally. This information allows readers to monitor the progress made toward meeting the goals endorsed by the United Nations and its member countries, the World Bank, and a host of partner organizations in September 2001 in their Millennium Development Goals.

The 400-page print edition of World Development Indicators 2004 allows you to consult over 80 tables and over 800 indicators for 152 economies and 14 country groups, as well as basic indicators for a further 55 economies. There are key indicators for the latest year available, important regional data, and income group analysis. The report contains six thematic presentations of analytical commentary covering: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links.

The CD-ROM editions contain 40 years of time series data for more than 200 countries from 1960-2002, single-year observations, and spreadsheets on many topics. It contains more than 1,000 country tables and the text from the World Development Indicators 2004 print edition and the World Bank Atlas 2003. The Windows® based format permits users to search for and retrieve data in spreadsheet form, create maps and charts, and fully download them into other popular software programs for study or presentation purposes.

HG4651 L34
Bond Pricing and Portfolio analysis. Protecting Investors in the Long Run

This text makes accessible the most important methodological advances in bond evaluation from the past twenty years. With uncommon precision and a strong emphasis on the underlying economic fundamentals, Olivier de La Grandville presents a unified framework for understanding the basic tools of bond evaluation, including duration, convexity, and immunization.

Among the book's most valuable contributions is a general immunization theorem that can be used by practitioners to protect investors against any change in the structure of spot interest rates. Also of note is the detailed presentation of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton model and a discussion of its relationships with classical immunization schemes. Each chapter is followed by a series of questions, problem sets, and projects; detailed solutions to all of them appear at the end of the book. Although the treatment is thorough and rigorous, the presentation throughout the book is intuitive.

Makes the latest and most important advances in bond evaluation accessible, with a unified framework that explains the basics, including duration, convexity, and immunization. Introduces theorems and presents models and discussions of important relationships. DLC: Bonds--Prices. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

D299 A77
ARRIGHI, Giovanni / SILVER, Beverly J.
Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System

Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System is one of the most provocative books in the literature that seeks to decode the present period.
Rather than prudent assessments, the authors give us daring forecasts based on a careful reading of past epochal transformations. There is much to be learned and debated here.

 Saskia Sassen, author of Globalization and Its discontents
"Arrighi and Silver's Chaos and Governance in the modern System is an extraordinary book for extraordinary times. There is broad consensus among scholars that we are in the midst of a profound transition en the world system from the patterns forged in the crucible of the first half of the twentieth century to something new, but there is no consensus whatsoever about where we are going. Most discussions of what lies ahead are simple-minded extrapolations of trends in the present or mechanical projections of cycles of the past into the future. In contrast, Arrighi and Silver study earlier large-scale transitions in the world system in order to identify the specificity of the current situation and chart the possible futures we confront. This is a masterful and important piece of work"

Erik Olin Wright, University of Wisconsin
"Arrighi, Silver, and their collaborators have produced a book that cuts Trough the fog enveloping current discussions of globalization. Together with their reconstruction of past transitions, their account of the present shows clearly which features are cyclical recurrences, which are new variations on old themes, and which are truly novel transformations. The result is masterful blend of theoretical reasoning, empirical analysis, and informed projection."

Giovanni Arrighi is professor of sociology at The Johns Hopkins University.
Among his book is The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times.

Beverly J. Silver is associate professor of sociology at The Johns Hopkins University.

HC427.95 C44
TSENG, Wanda / RODLAUER, Markus (editores)
China Competing in the Global Economy

China's economic reforms over the past two decades have brought tremendous economic transformation, rapid growth, and closer integration into the global economy. Real income per capita has increased fivefold, raising millions of Chinese out of poverty. Despite these achievements, difficult reforms--involving the state-owned enterprises and the financial sector--must still be completed, while social pressures from rising unemployment and income inequalities need to be addressed. China's recent accession to the World Trade Organization will bring benefits but will also impose obligations on the economy, and could prove to be a watershed for the reform process. China: Competing in the Global Economy looks at the country's reform process, its past successes and future challenges.

HG185.L3 C74
Crecer con estabilidad. El Financiamiento del Desarrollo en el Nuevo Contexto Internacional

El renovado acceso a los mercados internacionales de capitales en los años noventa aumentó la disponibilidad de recursos para el desarrollo de los países de América Latina y el Caribe. Sin embargo, la volatilidad que han mostrado estas fuentes de financiamiento y el carácter procíclico de las políticas macroeconómicas de la región se han reflejado en crisis financieras inusitadamente frecuentes y en un crecimiento económico inestable, con costos importantes en términos de desempleo y de incidencia de la pobreza.

Para revertir esta situación, la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) propone en este libro una estrategia de crecimiento con estabilidad, cimentada en acciones en tres áreas: el fortalecimiento de la capacidad del sistema financiero internacional para prevenir y administrar crisis, y el de los países para diseñar, en forma complementaria, políticas macroeconómicas preventivas. La aceleración del desarrollo de las exportaciones y el mejoramiento de las condiciones de acceso de la región a los mercados financieros internacionales, y el incremento de los niveles de ahorro nacional y la promoción del desarrollo financiero de los países, a fin de canalizar recursos nacionales hacia la inversión y de la garantizar el acceso al crédito a todos los sectores sociales.


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